Hi, I’m Heather Shurina.

I started writing this blog during my second round of IVF, as an outlet to keep me from becoming completely unhinged. Writing proved to be very cathartic and has connected me with so many incredible and inspiring people.

When I eventually became a mom, I was hit with a wave of brand new anxieties. I decided to keep the blog going to talk about life post fertility treatments as I attempt to navigate motherhood.

My blog is broken up into categories, so you can pick and choose what you’re up for reading!

As I’m writing, I’m processing my experiences of infertility, motherhood and anything else that pops up in this unbalanced brain of mine. I promise to keep it absolutely honest, even when it’s ugly; and as always, full of self-deprecating humor.

Thanks for visiting “If at first you don’t conceive…” I hope you enjoy your stay!